RAIN AND POOL WATER After Storm Pool Care by CCA in Wellington Florida

After Storm Pool Care West Palm Beach Florida

Heavy rain and wind can cause big problems for pool owners. Rain and wind, can introduce an array of dirt, debris, and other unhealthy pollutants into your pool water as well as put a strain on your pool’s filter, pump, and even structure. Proper storm preparation and after storm clean-up is important to ensure your pool remains protected and is safe for you to jump back in once the sun shines again.

Now that we entering the height of the hurricane and tropical storm season, Crystal Clear Aquatics has some helpful tips for before and after any heavy storm.

Before the Sky DarkensLightning

Keep the Pool Full – Never ever drain the pool before a rain storm. The weight of the water helps hold the pool in place in case the ground around it becomes heavily saturated with rainwater. That could cause the pool to lift out of the ground. If you’re afraid the pool might overflow, lower the water level no more than just a few inches. Remember to close the skimmer valve to prevent damage to the pump.

Turn it Off – Turn off the power to the pool. Switch off the breakers for the pump motor, heater, lighting, etc.

Clear the Deck – High winds can blow items such as floats, chairs, tables and other patio furniture into the pool which can then cause some major pool damage. Place pool floats, toys, and other items in a safe place, such as a garage, shed, or storage bin. If it can’t be moved, cover it and tie it down if possible.

Pretreat the Water – Rainwater carries organic contaminants from the atmosphere. Groundwater runoff into the pool is even worse. Balancing the water chemistry and adding algaecide or extra chlorine before a storm will help ease contamination and save you time and trouble during the clean-up process.

When the Sun Comes Out – Call Crystal Clear at 561-318-6750! 

CCA After Storm Pool Care West Palm Beach Florida will;

Sunny Days Raise Havoc With Your Pool _CCA Pool Service West Palm BeachSkim and Remove Debris – Remove branches, leaves, and other debris from the pool with a rake and skimmer.

Check the Skimmer Baskets and Pump Strainer – There’s a good chance these have been filled with dirt and debris from the storm. We clean them out to prevent clogging the system once power is restored to the pool.

Inspect ALL Pool Equipment – Uncover the pump motor and check for water or water damage. If the equipment is dry, we can turn the power back on and start running the pool’s filtration system. If you are doing this yourself, do not turn the power back on if the equipment is wet or if there are signs of water damage. Contact a professional.

Thoroughly Clean the Pool – when the pool circulation is back on, it’s time to clean the pool. CCA will brush the pool walls and professionally vacuum your pool with commercial grade equipment.

Shock and Chemically Balance the Water – Even though you may treated the water before the storm, the organic materials in the rainwater most likely wiped out chlorine levels and lowered the water’s pH and alkalinity to unacceptable levels.

Now all you have to do is run the pump and filter and keep the circulation and filtration systems running for at least 10 hours after cleaning and chemically treating the pool to ensure the water is properly sanitized, and you’re ready to enjoy a day in the sun!