Sunny Days Raise Havoc With Your Pool _CCA Pool Service West Palm Beach

Sunny Days Raise Havoc With Your Pool

A sunny pool is great for swimmers, but not so much for the pool. As a matter of fact, sunny days raise havoc with your pool. Chlorine, which keeps your pool from turning green, dissipates in direct sunlight. You put liquid chlorine in a sunny pool on Monday and by Wednesday it will have almost no chlorine in it. Additionally, algae breeds a whole lot better in 100 degree weather than 60 degree weather. That’s why slow-dissolving chlorine tablets are a good option or adding pool chemicals which helps diffuse the sun’s UV rays and makes the chlorine last longer. You always have to keep testing your pool water a minimum of 1-2 times a week.

So it’s not just storms, leaves, overuse, etc. An unused pool sitting in 90 degree sun deteriorates very fast. Call the pool experts at Crystal Clear Aquatics, the fastest growing pool service in Wellington/West Palm Beach at 561-318-6750 or email at