Crystal Clear Aquatics Pool Service

Variable Speed Pool Pumps in Florida Save Money

There are an estimated 5 million in-ground residential pools in the U.S. (Beyond that, more than 150,000 new pools are built annually in the U.S. alone.) According to a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), pools in the US generate as much as $1.6 billion in energy costs per year.

Pools, as a rule, can be expensive to operate. Luckily, pool owners can look to pool equipment manufacturers to help them reduce their costs and lower their electric bill. Pool pumps represent one of the most significant users of energy in a pool owners’ home. In fact, they are the often the second biggest contributor to energy costs, lagging only behind their heating and cooling costs for the entire home.

Single speed pool pumps, which tend to waste more energy because they are always (and unnecessarily) running at top speed, have traditionally been the big energy users. With the advent of variable speed pumps (VSPs), however, the movement is shifting rapidly.

Variable Speed Pool Pumps in Florida Save Money

Variable Speed Pool Pumps Save Florida Pool Owners MoneyPool equipment manufacturers are striving to design and manufacture hard-working, efficient products that will allow pools owners to run their pools more efficiently. That means environmentally-compliant equipment, with proven performance, built to last, that also dramatically lower operating costs. Along these lines, it is generally agreed that the greatest potential for pool owners to save on operating costs is to switch their single-speed pumps to a minimum of a two-speed or, better yet, a variable-speed pump.

For the pool owner, it’s always preferable to want to do something vs. having to do it, but money can be a great motivator. The fact is that VSPs can save up to 90% on energy costs compared to a single speed pump. They are able to match a pool’s needs versus a single speed pump running at full power 100% of the time.

As further validation, the EPA asserts that “ENERGY STAR” certified pool pumps will usually:

  • Save the pool owner more than $1,000 over the pump’s lifetime.
  • Pay for themselves in less than two years.
  • Run quieter and prolong the life of your pool’s filtering system.

Here in Florida, it’s important to note that the EPA notes that “in warmer climates, where pools are used year-round, savings can be significantly higher”.

In addition to tremendous energy savings, running pumps at lower intervals have multiple benefits, including:

  • Better filtration
  • Incredibly quiet operation
  • Less stress lengthens equipment life
  • Longer filter cycles keep chemicals in circulation longer

Call Crystal Clear Aquatics for a quote on a more efficient, energy friendly pool variable speed pool pump. Let us show you how variable speed pool pumps in Florida can save significantly on electric usage.

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