Swimming Pools – Protecting against Zika Virus in Wellington. Here are some valuable tips regarding pools and spas, as well as other ways to protect yourself.
Protecting Against Zika Virus in Wellington
The biggest threat; empty and abandoned pools, or pools that are not properly cared for.

Protecting Against Zika Virus in Wellington
If you’re living near a home with a pool that’s abandoned, empty or is otherwise uncared for here in West Palm Beach, you may have some issues you need to contend with. Perhaps it’s a winter home that is empty during the summer months. Recommend that they have a pool company maintain the pool if they’re temporary “snowbird” residents with a pool that is left unattended during the summer months. If you can’t get in touch with the owner, then report them to the HOA or anyone else who has access and let them know there is a potential health hazard with an uncared-for pool.
The best way to avoid Zika virus is to prevent mosquito bites. The best preventive measures are to drain standing water to prevent mosquito breeding around your home or business.
- Containers: Turn over or cover unused flower pots, buckets, garbage cans, and wheelbarrows. Change water in birdbaths once a week or more.
- Gutters: Remove leaves and other debris that can clog gutters and trap water.
- Pools: Cover unused swimming pools and turn over kiddie pools when not in use. Be sure to keep swimming pool covers clear of leaves and water. Keep large pools appropriately treated and make sure filters are properly circulating the water.
More from the Florida Zika Site
Questions on Proper Pool Care? Give us call at Crystal Clear Aquatics.
Our goal at Crystal Clear Aquatics is to provide prompt, professional, and personal West Palm Beach pool service to all our customers.
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